Why The New World Order Hates “Paganism”

The New World Order hates paganism, or pre-christian, nature oriented belief systems, precisely because they are actually rational, and they teach an important connection between humanity and nature, a connection which the new world order wants to sever, putting it’s corporations in place of that connection to make a profit, and simulataneously eroding our self-reliance.   Self-reliance and logic itself are enemies of the globalist power hungry elitists.

I know it seems that the globalists are concerned about the environment, are “green oriented” etc, but if you really look at their plans  (UN Agenda 21 in particular)  they are merely using the environment in a cynical way to justify their hateful and elitist depopulation agenda.  It’s not that they love the environment as much as they are looking for ways to villainize humanity itself, and turn us against each other, attempting to force us to re-envision ourselves as a virus on the earth, something evil.  And we are not.  We are Gaia-Sophia’s special project.

They are not trying to reform the troublesome hyper-consumerist, “keeping up with the joneses” mentality which one might imagine would be a necessary part of “saving the environment”  No, because saving the environment is not the real goal, the real goal is fueling elitism and finding reasons to justify the creation of poverty, and the bifurcation of humanity into the haves and the have nots, and then eventually, moving the have nots into work camps, where they will be de facto slaves to the multinationals.

The justifying meme is that people will never stop being hyper-consumerist on their own, and that their purchasing power must be forcibly curtailed via poverty.  And how do they get the elites to enforce these poverty creating policies?  By promising them the “have it all” lifestyle and all that goes with it.  They are paid millions of dollars.  I call this “buying their soul” money.

So the truly powerful, the large shareholders of central banks, the usual villains,  Rothschilds, Schiffs, Sax-Coburg Gothas (house of windsor), are playing an evil game of bifurcating humanity, and their elite pawns, politicians, and corporate execs, are playing a hypocritical game of becoming filthy rich at the cost of everyone else, with environmentalism and the “human virus” meme offered as justification, to themselves, and to the public.

2 thoughts on “Why The New World Order Hates “Paganism”

  1. I don’t really believe in the NWO stuff, simply because I do not think that any “elites” would work together for that long and so consistently to pull something like that off, but I definitely agree that many people in power (along with many of those in majority religions like Christianity) would never accept Paganism. As a eclectic Solitary Wiccan myself, I’ve spoken to numerous Christian authors after reading their books mocking and degrading my faith. Likewise, I’ve had people who have been incredibly friendly to me for months/years become cruel when they find out I’m Wiccan. I talk about these instances on my blog here: http://tarnishedsophia.wordpress.com/category/religion/

    The core issue I see (at least in the US) is that Christianity teaches that humans are separate from Nature…the natural world is sinful, fallen, and needs to either be avoided or made civilized. No matter what churches I’ve attended, be they Catholic, Protestant, Born-Again, or Jehovah’s Witnesses, there is the underlying theme that Flesh/Nature = Corrupt and Soul/Civilization = Pure.

    This separation causes maladies in all aspects of society. There are states that teach children the Bible creation myth is just as valid as the current and ongoing research into abiogenesis and the Big Bang. There are adult citizens in my country who believe that the Theory of Evolution is “just a theory” yet somehow understand that the Theory of Gravity is not. Everyday there are reports of parents who have willingly and deliberately withheld medicine, food, and medical treatments from their children because of some idiotic belief that their son’s broken arm will be healed or their daughter’s meningitis will dissipate if only they pray hard enough. Rather than true tolerance, Christianity teaches that you should seek to convert everyone to your way of thinking and that anyone (even Jews and Muslims who pray to the same God) who isn’t a Christian is doomed to eternal torment. The very science that strives to understand this alternately glorious and terrible world we live in is shunned in favor of a 2,000 year old book of myths and cultural references from the Middle East.

    I am not saying that all Christians are like this…my lover, who I’d take a bullet for, is Christian as are almost all my friends. But they at least understand that the Bible is not infallible and that a lot of it is in fact not relevant/ethical by today’s standards. It is the people featured on the Facebook group Fundies Say The Darndest Things that really worry me, because these are regular folk who are led so far astray from nature and science that they believe murder would be good if their God had deemed it so, and that hate of certain groups is highly preferable to loving and tolerating them.


  2. yes. you are correct about the disdain for nature, and our natural selves. And if you want to see real proof of the NWO you should take a moment and go read Agenda 21 documents at the UN website. I know it’s not really cool being associated with CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, but the truth is out there. And many elites may actually believe they are battling against each other, but this is part of the divide and conquer strategy of the truly truly elite.


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